Monday, January 11, 2016

Where have I been? Life Update

For sometime there,I was not very active here on this little blog of mine. Life had just caught up with me and finding out that I was pregnant was a huge life changing event. One that was planned and so fulfilling. When I found out, I wanted to so badly write about my pregnancy but just did not feel comfortable writing in a public space where I was just not ready to even share with extended family yet. My husband and I wanted to wait til after our first trimester to tell all of our family. Since I do have some family that reads this little blog I knew I had to keep quiet on the blog for some time.

Not being able to freely write about what was big on my mind and heart made it difficult to write or share anything else on the blog. It feels really good to be able to talk and share this journey with all of you. I feel so inspired and once again free to blog about whatever I desire and that is so good for my creativity.

I hope to get back into the swing of regular posting. I love having this space. I want to thank all of you for sticking around and being ever so patient for my return. It was a nice break and I was able to focus on taking care of myself and getting things ready for my maternity leave which I am now on. It feels so weird to not be working. Ever since I was 18 years old, I had always had a job and at two different times I even juggled working 2 jobs at a time.

I am looking forward to being a stay at home mommy, for as long as I can. I would love to be able to stay home with my daughter for at least her first full year of life and hopefully much longer. I feel so grateful to have such a loving and supporting husband who shares this family value with me.

When I was a little girl my mom stayed at home and took care of me and my little brother, while my dad was hard at work to support our big family. As a child I remember having such a rich childhood. When I say rich childhood, I'm talking about a childhood rich with memories and the feeling of love and protection. I have so many fond memories growing up and I really feel that my mom being home with me was such a HUGE part of that. She taught me, fed my creativity, nourished all my needs and helped me to express myself. I want to do the same for my children.

Let's see some other news to share, back in October my husband and I moved out of his grandparents house and are now renting a house with my sister and her husband. For now this is a temporary situation and we hope to get into our own place within the next year or two. The neighborhood we live in now is pretty nice and there is a nice big park just across the street from our home. I am already looking forward to stroller rides to the park and having picnics come summertime

My husband got a promotion at work a few months ago and I am so very proud of him. He really is the best.

Well, this post is getting quite long and if your still reading, thank you!

Happy Monday Friends!

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