Saturday, January 9, 2016

24 weeks Pregnant

I am currently 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I spent my time at home as I am no longer currently working these days. So I have have had lot of time to unwind and just relax these past few weeks.

I caught a small cold from my husband and then was able to get rid of it fairly quickly by drinking hot lemon water with honey. I also spent one day having some dizzy spells when I would get up too quickly. That was not fun. Thankfully though I stayed on top of my water intake and was snacking frequently which really helped.

This week I have been feeling a lot of stretching in my lower belly area. I suppose everything is just growing and of course getting bigger as baby gets bigger. I find myself eating a whole lot more this week, like my appetite has kicked it up a notch. I have been loving apples with peanut butter and cereal this week and craved chocolate ice cream and lemon pound cake.

On Tuesday I had my monthly check up with my doctor and that went really well. The doctor measured my belly to see how my uterus was growing and it is growing beautifully! I also got to hear my sweet little baby's heartbeat during the visit and that always makes me feel happy. My husband was there with me so he too got to hear her heart beating.

I have started to do some pregnancy vlogs on mine and my husband's YouTube channel. If you would like to check it out here is the link 24 week Pregnancy Update Vlog 

I thought as each week goes by I would fill out a little pregnancy survey. Just another fun way to document everything!

What Fruit are you? According to Thebump app baby is as big as a cantaloupe

Due date:  April 26, 2016

How far along:  24 weeks and 5 days

Next appointment:  February 5th 

Gender: Girl

Total weight gain/loss: 8 pounds 

Exercise: light walking and stretching

Stretch marks: none on my belly just a few new ones on my thighs

Swelling: none yet that I can really notice

Maternity clothes: I picked up a new long sleeve pink shirt. It flatters my bump quite nicely!

Belly button in or out: Still an inny

Sleep: Getting a lot of sleep mostly just waking up often to use the bathroom and it takes a bit longer to get in a comfy position 

Food cravings: apples with peanut butter, lemon pound cake, lettuce, tomatoes

Food Aversions: none at the moment

Symptoms: lower belly stretching

Movement: yes, she is getting a lot more active in there!

Labor signs: none

What I miss: having a normal bladder haha

What I'm loving: feeling my little girl moving around 

What I'm looking forward to: picking out a bed for baby girl

Best moment this week: feeling some new types of movements 

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