Thursday, June 30, 2016

Phoenix: One Month

(I wrote this blog post a long while back and totally forgot to post it. So here it is Phoenix's one month update)

Her Dolly
Bath Time

How can it be my sweet little girl is one month old already!? On May 7th Phoenix turned one month old and I woke up that morning and looked at my daughter and was remembering her birth story. One month ago a new chapter in my life started and it has already been quite the adventure.

It's been one whole month of being her mommy, getting to know her cries and personality. One month of endless diaper changes, cuddles, feedings, and late night wake up mommy duty.
Phoenix is such a sweet and calm baby. She is very observant and loves to listen to music. We are always playing some music for her. She loves to snuggle and lay down with me and her daddy. She doesn't quite know what to think of Apollo just yet but she doesn't seem to be bothered by his loud barks.

Some of her favorite things to listen to right now is pretty much anything from Rockabye Baby which are lullaby renditions of bands we all know of. She loves to listen to Fleetwood Mac, particularly songs that have Stevie Nicks singing and her favorite song is Silver Springs. I would play that song for her while she was in my belly and I think she totally remembers it! She likes this album I found on Spotify called Animal Songs it's music made for the little kiddos and she just adores it.

We have somewhat of a schedule in the making. Typically around 9pm she will go down for a fairly long nap after a feeding and then will wake up sometime before 1:00 am and have another long feeding and go to sleep for what is pretty much the longest stretch of sleep anywhere from 3 and half to 5 hours of sleep. She is now just starting to stay awake for longer periods of time about 2 hours of being alert and checking out her surroundings between a feeding and nap time. It kinda varies by the day and her sleeping schedule during the day is all over the place.

She eats every 2 to 3 hours and sometimes nurses for comfort and gets a small snack.
She is a doll and I am enjoying these newborn days!

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